Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Sweater Game


Mens Sweater H&M | Boyfriend Jeans H&M | Mens Hat and Bandanna H&M | Shoes Christian Louboutin | Clutch Melanie Lynn

I often find my self thinking how can I put my mark or spin on things? How can I stay true to my original self when there is so many great fashionisa`s out there. I challenge you to stay true to yourself, follow your instincts and leave your mark. I was reading Lou Lou magazine and I saw the new over sized sweater trend taking storm. Instantly thought to myself I have a sweater that looks like that. I quickly pieced together outfits in my mind and saved them as notes on my iphone, one stuck out in my mind the most. The outfit for this weeks post was inspired by that very article. As I got dressed I spotted the bandanna lying by my mirror, I thought to myself this would be cute how can I throw it in? I tied the bandanna around my ankle and viola, in and instant I put my mark on the outfit. My after thoughts are to be inspired and to be you no matter what you do. Put your spark on everything! Hope you guys enjoy my post xoxo Angel.